Click image for audio webcast |
Overcoming Sexual Temptation
Workshop (Webcast) Bil Mooney-McCoy
Learn about the structures to set in place, the groundwork to be laid, and
the direction to take for your recovery work. Learn to embrace ongoing
habits for a new lifestyle and learn what to do when temptation is strong
and things are very stressful.
PowerPoint, Strategy
Sheet, pdf |
Click image for audio webcast |
Recovery From Porn Addiction
Workshop (Webcast) Bil Mooney-McCoy
Learn about the structures to set in place, the groundwork to be laid, and
the direction to take for your recovery work. Learn to embrace ongoing
habits for a new lifestyle and learn what to do when temptation is strong
and things are very stressful.
Sheet, pdf |
for Online Teens and Their Parents
- Bil Mooney-McCoy
Provides info on dangers young people can encounter online and what they need to know to be safe.
Click image for audio webcast |
Online Safety for Computer Centers
- Bil Mooney-McCoy
This presentation will teach the “How and Why?” of Online Safety, especially how
to set up online safety community computer
pdf |
Click image for audio webcast |
Addressing Pornography Addiction
Through Churches (Webcast) Bil Mooney-McCoy
Learn about how you can pastor someone who is addicted to pornography and
the steps to equip your church to face pornography addiction.
Addressing Pornography Addiction
pdf |
Click image for audio webcast |
Online Safety Presentation for
Families Workshop
- Bil Mooney-McCoy
Parents: Learn how you can protect your children against online
perpetrators and how to design a family safety pledge. Also, find the
software that are available to help you keep your children safe online.
pdf |
Pureza Sexual
Evitando Caer en la ‘Red’:
El Engaño de la Pornografía